domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


Everybody should remember something about their school days. For many people it could be a wonderful life’s experience.
Maybe, there were many good or bad moments, but all for learning how to live.

From the begging the little child feels many new things. As the first day at the school that it is a big experience for him. She or he discovers a new world. The child enjoys every moment meeting new friends and teachers.
The child learns step by step more knowledge until learning how to read and to write very well and more important, how to work as a team with the other people. Later the child becomes in a student and he or she understands that they need to study every day for many years.

After that, the student had to continue working very hard for getting good grades and for being accepted at excellent high school. And it is in this point that the child decides what kind of student to be (a good or bad student).

Then, the second phase comes, the high school. This is a new place, other change for the student but for this moment the child becomes in a teenager. The student is very different; he or she changes his or her aptitude in many cases for calling the attention of their classmates, parents, teachers and other people.

They need to pass several situations and obstacles. They have different preferences like in subjects or sports, some things that they can develop as a hobby or job in the future.
During this process, the teenager does a lot of friendships and relationships even for the rest of his or her life.

For ending, the person who could study many years and working very hard for getting good resolves at the end, she or he will understand these words and remember the situations.
The probe of a big effort is on the results.

The end.

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