lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


In my opinion everybody in our company should receive lessons about new languages.
For many people it could be a wonderful experience and something very important for their job and for getting new opportunities.  
Maybe, there will be many good and difficult moments during the process, but all for learning how to speak other languages.

From the begging this course was very interesting, because we had to speak only in English and for me that was something very important for learning how to pronounce all the words very well.
This course was very professional and I want to continue next year, without stopping any time until speaking the English language without doing any mistake.
Also I have to say that this course was very strong with a lot of homework and classwork, but I enjoy every moment meeting, knowing and sharing with new coworkers and the teacher.         
I learned step by step more knowledge for improving how to read, to write, to speak English and how to work as a team with the other people.

I worked very hard for getting good grades, but it couldn´t, because I was studying for two other subjects at the University for getting my Licenciatura.         

For ending, I expect to receive different language´s courses like this for many years and I am going to work very hard for getting good resolves at the end.

The end. 

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