lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010


IPad Opens World to a Disabled Boy

IPad Opens World to a Disabled Boy
OWEN CAIN is a good and intelligent boy who depends on a respirator for the rest of his life.
He has had a disease since infancy he had not moved his body. 
For many years, his parents had tried several ways giving him a form for forgetting his disability and for enjoying more his life, but they had found nothing so good for him, until the iPad came. From the beginning, it worked with him very well.
Although the IPad wasn´t designed to help disabled people to speak, read, write or move a part of the body, like the Owen´s case, this device has become a popular therapeutic tool for people with different disabilities.
It is also less expensive than computers and other specific tools for disabled people. 
As example, in Owen’s case, his grandmother bought him a $600 iPad, and his parents have invested about $200 more in software.

Then, Owen´s case is the perfect example, of how wonderful is our ability to explore or experiment with different things for getting better results. Even, if this will represent a big challenge.
Also of how People need to understand that many diseases are more a mental problem than a physical problem.

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